Everything at a glance
As the world's leading trade fair, EuroTier presents the most important innovations, products and services for the breeding and keeping of farm animals. The focus is on cattle, pig, poultry and aquaculture - the processing of feed into meat, milk and eggs. Topics and trends, e.g. alternative stable use systems, climate and environmental protection, digitization, processing, refinement and marketing, sales, offer information and provide inspiration. The core target group of visitors are professional farmers and traders. EnergyDecentral, the international trade fair for decentralized energy generation and agricultural energy, takes place parallel to EuroTier:
Thematic areas
Cattle and dairy production
From a global perspective, the dairy market is expanding. Annual growth of 3.75% of global sales volume is expected until 2025. In the exporting nations of dairy products in particular, the trend is towards process optimization through automation and digitization. In Europe, the focus is on animal welfare, sustainability, climate protection and transparency in the process chain. A global trend towards greater efficiency, animal health and the associated higher product quality can be observed. The exhibition and specialist program offers trade fair visitors the opportunity to find out more about current topics and expand their international network.
Worldwide pork production is increasing again significantly. The highest growth rates are expected in Asia. Animal health, biosecurity and efficient production systems are issues that concern pig farming around the world. In addition, animal welfare, sustainability and emission reduction are particularly important in Europe. Forms of cross-value chain production are of interest to producers and marketers in terms of transparent production. Whether breeding, feeding, keeping or transport - EuroTier provides information on current developments. Numerous specialist events and events offer the possibility of global networking.
The demand for poultry meat is increasing worldwide. In 2020, poultry took the lead in meat production worldwide. The production of eggs is also increasing continuously around the world. Biosafety, animal health and sustainability of production are issues that concern the poultry industry worldwide. In the European producing countries, the focus is on animal welfare issues and the need to reduce the use of antibiotics and emissions from poultry houses. As the leading trade fair, EuroTier offers information on all aspects of poultry farming. Find out about innovations and trends in keeping, breeding, feeding and marketing.
The controlled production of aquatic organisms is internationally recognized as the branch of the food industry with the highest growth rates. Aquaculture includes both fish and mussels, crustaceans and aquatic plants that are produced in fresh water or salt water. According to the FAO (2020), 114 million t of aquaculture products were harvested in 2018 - and the trend is rising. The diversity of this agricultural area explains the high demand for specialist information. After all, aquaculture also has to face global issues such as sustainability, animal welfare, health and climate protection. The EuroTier is a trend barometer and provides information about innovations in farming, feeding and aeration technology.
Sheep and goat
Sheep play a major role in landscape maintenance. In addition, they provide wool, milk and meat. Not only is cheese made from the milk of the ewes, sheep milk is also used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Automation and housing systems with low personnel costs hardly exist. This is a challenge for the sheep and goat farmers, but also a guarantee for high social acceptance. EuroTier offers professional sheep and goat farmers as well as hobby shepherds a platform to exchange information about current developments in breeding, keeping and feeding.
For many farmers in Europe, pension horse keeping is developing into a branch of the business that is to be taken up with a high development potential. Throughout the EU, the annual turnover in the equestrian sector is estimated at 100 billion euros, with equestrian sport being the most important. The planned establishment of the EU Animal Welfare Reference Center for ruminants and horses underlines the growing relevance of animal health and animal welfare for horses too: species-appropriate keeping, needs-based feeding, health, exercise and transport - EuroTier offers professional horse owners a platform for information and exchange.
Feed recipes are constantly being adapted and new feeds and feeding processes established, for example to increase animal welfare or to reduce nutrient overhangs in order to enable environmentally friendly use. In addition, animal feed plays an important role in securing the nutrition of a growing world population. In the future, the importance of those who are not in direct food competition with humans, i.e. biomass not directly edible by humans, will continue to gain in importance. At EuroTier, leading companies from the national and international feed industry will show how these demands can be met using innovative feed, processes and recipes.
Agriculture faces major challenges in view of the increasing demand from a growing world population. As the largest land user, the sector has a great responsibility for the conservation of important environmental assets such as soil, water, climate and biodiversity. Digital technologies offer optimized processes and higher product efficiency along the entire value chain. This creates continuously high product quality, more sustainability and more flexible work organization. Competitive advantages that also drive agriculture. EuroTier shows what the digital transformation of animal husbandry will look like.