Conferences, conventions and events
EuroTier is the platform for leading events in the international livestock sector. This is where livestock farmers, agribusiness and experts meet for networking and professional exchange.
Together with our partner organisations, various conferences and evening events will again be offered at EuroTier 2024:
- International Cattle & Pig Event
- Inhouse Farming Event
- International Poultry Conference
- International Poultry Event
- International Animal Health Event
- International Conference Ukraine / Moldova
- Philippine Hour
- China Forum
A mix of international keynotes, round tables, award ceremonies and subsequent get-togethers will create a relaxed atmosphere for the exchange of ideas.

International Cattle & Pig Event
11 November 2024, 6 p.m. - Convention Center, Hall 2
Global markets and local frameworks - how pioneering farmers fit the future
Global demand for animal proteins is expected to continue to rise. This offers opportunities for producers in highly efficient (favourable) regions of the world.

Inhouse Farming Event 2024
11 November 2024, 6 p.m. - Convention Center
Tackling the elephant in the room: renewable energies for future farming and food systems
The Inhouse Farming Event 2024 is a high-level networking event taking place at the EuroTier fairgounds for the first time. At the event, the emerging inhouse farming industry will meet the energy market, which is crucial for this sector. Together, synergies and new investment opportunities will be identified.

International Poultry Day
11 November 2024, from 3.30 p.m. - Convention Center
Poultry for a healthy planet
Sustainable, economical and efficient: Where does the poultry industry stand in an environment that is critical of the consumption of animal-based foods with regard to the carbon footprint and at the same time is experiencing a steadily increasing demand for poultry meat and eggs?

International Animal Health Event
14 November 2024, 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. - Convention Center
The International Animal Health Event traditionally kicks off the bpt Congress 2024, which takes place at the exhibition centre in Hanover, partly parallel to EuroTier. Coveted prizes for animal health will also be awarded during the event, which is organised by the German Veterinary Association (bpt), the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and the German Agricultural Society (DLG).

Opportunities and challenges of EU integration for livestock farming in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine
13 November 2024, 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. - Convention Center, Saal 3B and online
The European perspective of further development is one of the most important political priorities in Moldova and Ukraine today. Both countries are endeavouring to join the European Union. The preparation process also requires adjustments in the agricultural sector, particularly in animal production.

China Forum: Innovations and Insights in Chinese and European Livestock Production
12 November 2024, 5.00 to 6.20 p.m., DLG Expert Stage Hall 13, Stand E58
The China Forum event gives an overview of shifting from quantity towards quality - Changes of China animal protein market, a contribution from the Chinese Association of Animal science and Veterinary medicine (CAAV). Big Dutchman China will be presenting a case study entitled „Business in China“, followed by a presentation of the Thünen Institute for Farm Economics on the Development of livestock production and Export opportunities for EU animal health solutions. China's top pig producer, Muyuan Foods, will conclude the program with a contribution headlined “Empowering Large-Scale Pig Farming with Digital Technology and Intelligent Tools”.

Philippine Hour
12 November, from 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. - Convention Center, Room 3A
DLG is hosting the “Philippine Hour”, a round table seminar and networking event. Innovations in Philippine livestock management and mechanization will be presented. Partnership opportunities will be explored between the Philippines, Germany, and Europe in areas such as research, trade, and technological advancements. The Philippine Department of Agriculture will be represented, supported by the Export Promotion Division of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Presentations titles include “The Philippine Livestock and Poultry Industry Situation. Emerging Opportunities, and Potential Partnerships” and “Philippine Mechanization Interventions for Postharvest in Livestock and Major Crops”.